Services and Pricing

These are the services I provide and what I charge.

But, before you make a decision, contact me. I will set up a call and you can tell me about your project.

30 minute introductory call

We can discuss your book, where you are in the process of writing, what you need and how I can help. There’s no cost or obligation. Let’s have a conversation about how we could work together.

Blueprint for a Nonfiction Book

Architects make blueprints before they start their projects. Authors should, too. I will guide you through the process of creating a blueprint for your book. Your blueprint helps you see your whole book and will save you a lot of time when you sit down to write. It takes three weeks or more to complete this part of the process. My fee starts at $1500 USD.

Proposal Development

I will help you draft your proposal so that it presents your book in the best possible light. I will coach you on key parts of your proposal such as your marketing plan and your author’s platform. Developing a proposal can take up to several months. My fee starts at $2100 USD.

Writing Support

When it is time to knuckle down and get writing, I can help you make and keep to a realistic writing schedule. I will review your work, give you helpful feedback and cheer you on to completion. If your book involves the work of multiple authors, I can help keep the team on track, and project manage all the moving parts. My fee starts at $375 USD per month.

Pitch Package

I will help you locate agents and publishers who will be interested in your book. I will help you write an attention-grabbing query letter that will make agents eager to read your proposal. My fee starts at $525 USD.

*All of these services are for single author books. For multi-author projects, let’s have a chat.