I can help you …
Begin Your Book Well – I can help you build a better book by defining your big idea and clarifying why you are the best person to write your book. I will take you through exercises that will help you envision your whole book and save you a lot of time when you sit down to write.
Write Your Proposal – Nonfiction agents and publishers will look for a proposal from you before they will read your manuscript. I can help you draft a pitch-perfect proposal that follows publishing industry standards. I can also coach you on key parts of your proposal such as your marketing plan and your author’s platform.
Write Your Book – Writing a nonfiction book takes a lot of effort and a lot of time. No one should have to go it alone. As your book coach I can help you make and keep to a realistic writing schedule. I will review your work, give you helpful feedback and cheer you on to completion. If your book involves the work of multiple authors, I can help keep the team on track, and project manage all the moving parts.
Pitch Your Book – Looking for an agent or publisher is like looking for a job (or love) only much worse. I constantly survey the publishing market and publishing news. I can help you find agents and publishers who will be interested in your book. I can help you write an attention-grabbing query letter that will make agents eager to read your proposal.